INDAGRA 2021 begins - the most awaited event of autumn!

October 27 - 31, 2021, at ROMEXPO

ROMEXPO împreună cu Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României organizează, între 27 – 31 octombrie, INDAGRA 2021 – cel mai cunoscut eveniment agricol din România.

The international fair of products and equipment in the field of agriculture, horticulture, viticulture and animal husbandry was in its 25th edition. are loc atât în pavilionul B1 al Centrului Expozițional ROMEXPO, cât și pe platformele exterioare și se desfășoară sub Înaltul Patronaj al Președintelui României.

The event presents the trends of 2021 in the field of agriculture, viticulture, horticulture and animal husbandry and is the perfect opportunity to present innovations in this sector and solutions that lead to improved performance in agricultural business.

During the five days of the fair, over 130 companies from 12 countries exhibit their latest products and present solutions and services on an area of 12,600 square meters. The event has a degree of internationalization of 25%.

INDAGRA 2021 enjoys the presence of 12 countries representative for agricultural innovations: Belgium, Bulgaria, the Russian Federation, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary.

Moreover, INDAGRA 2021 also benefits from Russia's official international participation.

During the fair, exhibitors launch their products of the year, meet new business partners, engage in business dialogue, present their offer of equipment and technologies designed to increase productivity in agriculture, as well as innovations in agronomy, animal husbandry, fruit growing, floriculture or viticulture.

As in every edition, the fair supports the idea of developing agriculture in Romania with the help of research and innovation and promotes Romanian products on the domestic and foreign market.

At INDAGRA 2021, exhibitors present their products in thematic fairs, such as:

  1. Agriculture Show


  • planting material, seeds, fertilizers for agriculture, equipment for viticulture;
  • irrigation systems and equipment
  • greenhouses and solariums
  • machines, machinery, agricultural equipment
  • silos, group holdings, banks.
  1. Livestock Show - PAVILION B1
  • machinery and equipment for animal husbandry
  1. Indagra – Food – PAVILION B1
  • raw materials and food

Outdoor platforms: B1, H3, Crown Alley

  • retailers, traders, producers in the food industry
  1. Agricultural machinery show

Outdoor platforms 1, 4, 10, 11, 12, V5, V6, C1, Aleea Negustorilor

  • Platform 1, 4 - large agricultural machinery, equipment;
  • Platform 10, 11 - large agricultural machinery, equipment;
  • Platform 12 - large agricultural machinery, equipment;
  • Platform V5, V6 - large agricultural machinery, equipment;
  • Aleea Negustorilor - irrigation equipment, livestock equipment, seeds, bulbs;
  • Platform C1 - fruit trees, bulbs, flowers, seeds.

Detalii suplimentare despre manifestare pe

Exhibition program:

October 27 - 30, 2021, time interval 9:00 - 18:00

October 31, 2021, time interval 9:00 - 16:00

Am luat toate măsurile ca evenimentul să se desfășoare în condiții de maximă siguranță sanitară. Accesul în Centrul Expozițional ROMEXPO se va face în baza unor proceduri de triere epidemiologică, respectând legislația în vigoare.



Pedestrian: gates A, B and C.

Car: parking B and C.


ROMEXPO S.A., a privately held company, has as majority shareholder the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, one of the most important forums for representing Romanian businessmen.


For information for the press:

Oana Netbai - PR Specialist ROMEXPO


Mobile: 0758/ 837 759