ROMEXPO împreună cu Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României a organizat, între 27 – 31 octombrie, INDAGRA 2021 – cea mai complexă manifestare agricolă din România. La eveniment au participat peste 10.000 de vizitatori specialiști și public larg. INDAGRA s-a desfășurat în condiții de maximă siguranță sanitară, intrarea a fost liberă, dar accesul s-a făcut pe baza Certificatului Verde.
The international fair of products and equipment in the field of agriculture, horticulture, viticulture and animal husbandry was organized under the High Patronage of the President of Romania.
Over 130 companies from 12 countries presented their technologies and projects that make farmers' work easier and help them increase their performance in the business sector. Respecting the new rules regarding the organization of events, INDAGRA occupied 30% of the exhibition area dedicated to the event, the event taking place on 12,600 square meters.
„După un an de pauză, am reușit să ne reîntâlnim cu expozanții, partenerii și pasionații de agricultură, în condiții de maximă siguranță sanitară. Le mulțumim firmelor care ne-au fost alături la INDAGRA 2021 și sperăm că prezența la eveniment le impulsionează vânzările și dezvoltarea afacerii. De asemenea, le suntem recunoscători tuturor participanților pentru că au respectat regulile sanitare și condițiile de participare. Suntem încrezători că la ediția din 2022 ne vom revedea într-un cadru mai relaxat, aproape de normalitate”, a declarat Mihai Costriș, Director Executiv ROMEXPO.
The event registered a degree of internationalization of 25%. INDAGRA 2021 was attended by well-known companies from: Belgium, Bulgaria, the Russian Federation, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary. In addition, the event also benefited from Russia's official international participation.
The fair was divided into 4 thematic salons: the agriculture salon, the animal husbandry salon, the salon dedicated to the food industry and the agricultural equipment salon.
The star of the fair was a combine equipped with state-of-the-art technology worth over half a million euros. It can be controlled with a special software from a tablet, has a low consumption and can adapt its functionality according to the surface it has to harvest.
The event did not lack digital solutions for optimizing agricultural business, smart services for irrigation, 100% natural fertilizers or traditional products.
In addition, at INDAGRA visitors were able to see the tractor produced entirely in Romania. It ensures a very high visibility because it is made on 4 pillars, has a pollution level of 5, ie the equivalent of 6 euros for ordinary cars, and the technology with which it is equipped guarantees low consumption.
As at every edition, INDAGRA was the perfect place to exhibit news in agronomy, animal husbandry, fruit growing, floriculture or viticulture and promoted Romanian products and services on the domestic and foreign market.
The international fair of products and equipment in the field of agriculture, horticulture, viticulture and animal husbandry was in its 25th edition. s-a aflat la cea de-a XXV-a ediție.
ROMEXPO S.A., a privately held company, has as majority shareholder the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, one of the most important forums for representing Romanian businessmen.
For information for the press:
Oana Netbai - PR Specialist ROMEXPO
Mobile: 0758 837 759